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Classes & SeminarsAll classes guaranteed informative, entertaining, and inspirational or your money back! Keys to
Self-care Success “Thank you so
much for sharing your wisdom, humor, experience and your heart with
our Evergreen community. I am awed by your sense of purpose and the
healing you inspire in others.” – Anna Satenstein, Education
Coordinator, Evergreen Hospital Medical Center, Kirkland, WA.
Self-Management Support "Your presentation was emotionally moving and vital to helping the audience understand strategies and skills to overcome the many barriers to self-care. You are an excellent speaker who knows how to reach your audience in their hearts, as well as their minds." Michelle Holloway, M.S., Assistant Professor of Human Services, Alaska Geriatric Education Center
New Solutions to
Diabetes New Solutions includes the latest information on diets, medical treatment, and effective management, including issues others ignore – sex, sleep, and many others. It addresses controversies about weight, insulin, and tight glucose control. Available in versions ranging from 45-minute lecture to 12-hour, six-session workshops. Click here for more information. “David Spero is a dynamic speaker who engages his audience through theory, practice and storytelling. His workshops are inspiring and practical." Denise Daniello U Alaska Fairbanks Education Center
Classes for
Couples "The intimacy seminar will enhance and improve our relationship. The take-away information will make our future stronger and brighter." - Jim and Audrea, San Diego participants.