Tag Archives: forests

We Need Nature in Our Lives

If kids lived in Nature and meditated every day, and took a full year every decade to work the land, would they spend their lives pursuing profit and power? I doubt it. Nature would heal them, and they could heal us. Continue reading

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Decolonize the Earth

Colonizers see conquered land as a storehouse of treasures they can exploit, leaving a wasteland behind. To the colonized, land is home, and its long-term health is a top priority. With climate change and mass extinctions, we are all colonized now., Continue reading

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Two Guys Who Helped Earth Heal

Humans have pushed Earth to the brink of ecological collapse. But people can also help Nature heal. Some have created near-miracles by allying themselves with trees. Continue reading

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We Need Economic Stability, Not Economic Growth

Growth is good up to a point. In the rich countries, according to economist Herman Daly, we are far past that point. The more we grow from here on, the worse off we will be. Continue reading

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Giving It Away

“Live for yourself, you will live in vain. Live for others, you will live again.” – Bob Marley, “Pass It On” Elzéard Bouffier was a shepherd who brought a whole blighted district in Provence, in the foothills of the Alps … Continue reading

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